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Teen Titans Go! (TM): Beast Boy Bro-Down Page 4
Teen Titans Go! (TM): Beast Boy Bro-Down Read online
Page 4
When the Titans stepped through the next door, they discovered a three-layer birthday cake that had two burning candles and the frosted initials BB on top.
Beast Boy now became a two-year-old, sitting in a highchair and reaching out his tiny hands to grab the cake.
“For this next ritual, we have to take a good picture of Beast Boy in front of his cake and then watch as he blows out his birthday candles,” said Raven.
“How is the adorable baby Beast Boy supposed to blow out candles?” asked Starfire with concern.
“Yeah, he doesn’t have the lung capacity yet,” said Cyborg.
“And he’s too young to even know what’s going on!” added Robin.
Raven nodded wearily. “I agree that it’s all pointless, but it’s the rule. We have no choice.”
Robin grabbed a camera that was floating nearby.
“Beast Boy!” he called. “Beast Boy, look over here! Hey, look at the camera! Be a good boy!”
Beast Boy looked up, down, sideways, and behind him. He looked everywhere but at Robin.
“He won’t look at me,” Robin said with a frown. “Hey, guys, help me get his attention.”
Cyborg popped his head off his body and then tossed it from hand to hand in an attempt to get Beast Boy’s attention. Starfire flipped upside down and began executing perfect somersaults. Raven opened her mouth as wide as possible until it covered her entire face and then stuck out her tongue.
Beast Boy started to turn his head to look at the Titans, but then he got distracted by the cake and jammed one hand into the gooey frosting.
“We almost got him,” Robin called out. “Titans, go funnier!”
Cyborg dislocated all his body parts. Starfire started spinning so fast that soon she was just a blur of motion. Raven’s tongue became bigger than her whole body, and she shouted funny noises.
It worked! Beast Boy looked up at his teammates and smiled.
Robin snapped an adorable picture of baby Beast Boy with a big smile on his face.
“Okay, now he needs to blow out his birthday candles,” said Raven.
Starfire floated over to Beast Boy and put an encouraging hand on his shoulder.
“Can you make the blowing out for Starfire?” she asked gently. “Yes, you can! Yes, you can!”
Beast Boy drew in his breath, exhaled, and then gently drooled on his two candles.
“Ewww,” said Cyborg. “A cake covered in baby spit and candle wax. I think I’ll pass!”
Beast Boy was determined to blow out his candles. He inhaled as deeply as he could, puffed out his cheeks as far as he could, opened his mouth as wide as he could, and shot a mighty stream of drool onto the candles. They both went out!
“He did it!” yelled Cyborg happily. “It was disgusting, but he did it!”
The Titans were showered with confetti again, and a new open door appeared.
“The birthday sparkler is dangerously low,” said Raven, “and we still have one final birthday ritual that awaits us through this next portal.”
“And who is going to carry the drooling baby?” Cyborg asked, but no one answered. All his other teammates had already hurried through the door.
Cyborg reluctantly picked up the gurgling baby Beast Boy.
“Cool it with the drool, okay, bro?” he implored. “Some of us rust when we get wet!”
After they passed through the portal, Raven gathered everyone around a large box that was covered in birthday wrapping paper with a shiny red bow on top.
“Our final birthday ritual is to watch Beast Boy open a present and pretend to be interested,” she said.
“That’s easy!” declared Robin.
“Don’t get too cocky,” cautioned Raven. “It’s harder than you think.”
“A present for me? You shouldn’t have,” said Beast Boy, who had changed into a senior citizen again as he traveled through the portal. “So thoughtful. So considerate.”
Beast Boy slowly shuffled over to the present. As he paused to look it over, Raven looked nervously at the dwindling sparkler.
“I’ll just peel back the tape so that we can save this beautiful wrapping paper,” Beast Boy said as he worked one fingernail under a seam of the gift wrap. “As I always say, waste not, want not.…”
“C’mon, Grandpa, move it along!” yelled Robin. “There’s no time for this!”
Starfire looked dismayed. “He is taking all four of the evers!”
Beast Boy continued to gently tug at the wrapping paper. “Haste makes waste,” he said slowly.
“Open it already!” screamed Cyborg.
Raven glared at her teammates. “Remember, we have to enjoy this!” she told them.
Robin was dismayed. “How can I enjoy this when the present isn’t for me?” he asked.
Raven sighed. “Can you at least smile awkwardly?” she asked.
All four Titans put fixed grins on their faces as they watched Beast Boy slowly… very slowly… unwrap his present. Finally, Beast Boy reached into the box and pulled out a pair of socks.
Robin kept the grin on his face. “Wow, how great is that? Socks!” he said through clenched teeth.
“What an exciting gift,” said Starfire not too convincingly.
“And I bet they are one hundred percent cotton,” said Cyborg without much enthusiasm.
Confetti again poured down onto the Titans, and a new door magically appeared. As his teammates watched in astonishment, Beast Boy rapidly transformed through a dozen different ages, from cooing newborn to surly teenager to cranky oldster. In his final transformation, he became the one-and-only Teen Titan they all knew.
“We did it!” yelled Raven, who cast a nervous look back at the sparkler. “Everyone through the door before the sparkler burns out. Come on!”
Thinking fast, Beast Boy grabbed his birthday cake. Then he and his teammates jumped through the portal just as the sparkler burned out. The Titans all landed together with a thud in their living room.
Raven turned to Beast Boy and said, “Sorry I forgot your birthday, Beast Boy.”
“And the rest of us are sorry that we intentionally ignored it,” added Starfire.
“Yeah, we had no idea it was so important to stare at you all day and pretend to care about you,” admitted Robin.
“It’s cool,” said Beast Boy as he lifted a knife to slice into his birthday cake. “Now let’s eat this yummy cake!”
Cyborg looked doubtful. “Um, is that the same cake that was covered with baby spit and melted candle wax?”
“Oh, yeah!” said Beast Boy as he placed the first slice on a plate. “Who’s ready for cake?”
No one answered. Beast Boy looked up and was surprised to see that he was alone.
“That’s weird,” said Beast Boy. “I thought they liked cake. Oh well. More for me! ”
After he gobbled down his first slice of cake, Beast Boy burped and said happily, “Best birthday ever! And just think, only three hundred sixty-three days until my next birthday!”
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Title Page
Nature Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Man-Person Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
BBBDAY! Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
Copyright © 2016 DC Comics.
TEEN TITANS GO! and all related characters and elements © & ™ DC Comics and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.
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First ebook edition: May 2016
ISBN 978-0-316-26748-9